CVaR Optimization

Gerardo Alcalá

December 2017

Portfolio optimization, in general, is the process of choosing an allocation of resources in different assets such that this combination is best that any other for a given measure. Conditional Value-at-risk is a coherent risk measure that comes from the distribution of returns of a portfolio, and it is the weighted average of the losses exceeding the Value-at-risk of the portfolio.

In this exercise we are going to perform optimization on a set of assets to invest in a portfolio that would minimize this Conditional Value-at-risk, as proposed in the following papers:

Rockafellar, R.T. and Uryasev, S., 2000. Optimization of conditional value-at-risk. Journal of risk, 2, pp.21-42. Rockafellar, R.T. and Uryasev, S., 2002. Conditional value-at-risk for general loss distributions. Journal of banking & finance, 26(7), pp.1443-1471.

This model is an application of stochastic programming to solve optimization problems under uncertainty.


We are going to need the following functions and packages from Python.

In [1]:
from __future__ import division 
from pyomo.environ import *
infinity = float('inf')
from datetime import date
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
from pyomo.opt import SolverFactory
opt = SolverFactory("glpk")

The Data

The data is available upon request, yet it is easy to replicate. Our data consists of the prices from 9 stocks downloaded from Yahoo Finance from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2016. The csv file has stored the columns Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Adj Close, Volume and ticker for the companies Apple, Amazon, Citigroup, CVS Health Corporation, Ford, Facebook, Google, JP Morgan and Exxon Mobil.

In [20]:
stocks = pd.read_csv('C:/Users/galcala/stock_data.csv')
stocks['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(stocks['Date'])
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 11227 entries, 0 to 11226
Data columns (total 8 columns):
Date         11227 non-null datetime64[ns]
Open         11227 non-null float64
High         11227 non-null float64
Low          11227 non-null float64
Close        11227 non-null float64
Adj Close    11227 non-null float64
Volume       11227 non-null int64
ticker       11227 non-null object
dtypes: datetime64[ns](1), float64(5), int64(1), object(1)
memory usage: 701.8+ KB
Date Open High Low Close Adj Close Volume ticker
0 2012-01-03 324.360352 331.916199 324.077179 330.555054 330.555054 7400800 GOOG
1 2012-01-04 330.366272 332.959412 328.175537 331.980774 331.980774 5765200 GOOG
2 2012-01-05 328.925659 329.839722 325.994720 327.375732 327.375732 6608400 GOOG
3 2012-01-06 327.445282 327.867523 322.795532 322.909790 322.909790 5420700 GOOG
4 2012-01-09 321.161163 321.409546 308.607819 309.218842 309.218842 11720900 GOOG

Our first step is to transform the dataset from long to wide format, and we are only keeping the Adj. Close column, as it represents the price adjusted for dividends and splits. We are going to clean our data very poorly, please, refrain from just dropping missing values. The reason we are doing this in this example is because we are more concerned on the optimization, but remember always: Garbage IN, Garbage OUT

In [21]:
serie_stocks = stocks.pivot(index='Date', columns='ticker', values='Adj Close')
2012-05-18 67.921494 213.850006 25.269936 40.429947 7.953341 38.230000 298.260101 28.877260 68.499329
2012-05-21 71.878601 218.110001 25.503115 40.839432 8.104302 34.029999 305.070801 28.032232 68.978592
2012-05-22 71.326653 215.330002 26.154053 40.894028 8.096357 31.000000 298.458801 29.325623 68.902931
2012-05-23 73.067009 217.279999 26.377504 40.757545 8.271155 32.000000 302.760834 29.541199 68.978592
2012-05-24 72.395958 215.240005 25.901445 41.103317 8.414173 33.029999 299.879578 29.291142 69.457825
2016-12-23 114.675896 760.590027 60.115902 77.149139 11.799386 117.269997 789.909973 85.108040 87.383606
2016-12-27 115.404190 771.400024 60.214474 77.295364 11.733097 118.010002 791.549988 85.186241 87.422142
2016-12-28 114.912109 772.130005 59.179520 77.051659 11.600519 116.919998 785.049988 84.570305 86.988647
2016-12-29 114.882584 765.150024 58.528980 77.012657 11.581578 116.349998 782.789978 83.973915 87.036804
2016-12-30 113.986984 749.869995 58.578266 76.924927 11.486880 115.050003 771.820007 84.364990 86.950111

From our previous dataset we can compute our daily returns. To visualize our stocks, we can also plot their risk measured by the standard deviation (annualized) to their mean returns (annualized).

In [22]:
ret30dias = serie_stocks / serie_stocks.shift(1) - 1
retornos = np.mean(ret30dias,axis=0)*360
riesgo = ret30dias.apply(np.std,axis=0)*sqrt(252)
plt.scatter(riesgo, retornos,alpha =0.2)
plt.title("Risk and Return", weight="bold", size=15, color = "0.3")
plt.xlabel("Risk", weight="bold", size=12)
plt.ylabel("Return", weight="bold", size=12)
for i, txt in enumerate(riesgo.index):
    plt.annotate(txt, (riesgo[i],retornos[i]))

The Model

The data is available upon request, yet it is easy to replicate. Our data consists of the prices from 9 stocks downloaded from Yahoo Finance from January 1st, 2012 to December 31st, 2016. The csv file has stored the columns Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Adj Close, Volume and ticker for the companies Apple, Amazon, Citigroup, CVS Health Corporation, Ford, Facebook, Google, JP Morgan and Exxon Mobil.

\begin{align*} \underset{x_{ij}}{\min} & \quad \alpha + \frac{1}{q(1-\beta)} \sum_{k=1}^{q}u_{k}\\ \text{s.t.:}&\\ & u_{k} \geq 0 \quad \forall k\\ & \alpha + x^{T}y_{k} + u_{k} \geq 0 \quad \forall k \\ & \sum_{i=1}^{N} x_{i} = 1 \quad \end{align*}

where $u_k$ are ancillary variables that help us find the optimal weights $x_i$ for each asset $i$, $q$ es a parameter that represents the number of escenarios we are simulating with probability $\frac{1}{q}$. For each of these scenarios we obtain our vector of realized returns $y_k$. The beauty of this implementation is that $\alpha$ is our Value-at-Risk.

The implementation

We are going to use Pyomo to solve our problem. Pyomo is an open-source optimization language based in Python. The following lines are used to define our simulated vector $y_k$ for each $k$. the number of simulations is $\text{n_sc}$.

In [95]:
n_sc = 1500
muestra = np.random.choice(len(ret30dias), size=n_sc, replace=True, p=None)
simulaciones = np.array(ret30dias.iloc[muestra,])
beta = 0.95
In [96]:
model = ConcreteModel()
model.escenarios = RangeSet(1,n_sc)
model.N = RangeSet(1,assets)
model.weights = Var(model.N,within=NonNegativeReals)
model.alpha = Var()
model.u = Var(model.escenarios,within=NonNegativeReals)
def _Obj(model):
    return model.alpha + (1/(1-beta))*sum(model.u[k]*(1/n_sc) for k in model.escenarios)
model.Obj = Objective(rule=_Obj, sense = minimize)
def _nonNegative(model,escenario):
    return (model.alpha + model.u[escenario] + sum(model.weights[i]*simulaciones[escenario-1,i-1] for i in model.N)) >= 0
model.nonNegative = Constraint(model.escenarios,rule=_nonNegative)

def _fullyInvested(model):
    return sum(model.weights[activos] for activos in model.N) == 1
model.fullyInvested = Constraint(rule=_fullyInvested)

The last lines define an Optimization Model like described above. It is worth noticing that we have used an empirical joint distribution of asset returns: the observed returns in our dataset. What we have done here is take a sample, with replacement, of these results.

Let us print our solution for our model:

In [56]:
results = opt.solve(model)
# ==========================================================
# = Solver Results                                         =
# ==========================================================
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Problem Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Name: unknown
  Lower bound: 0.0184610487896888
  Upper bound: 0.0184610487896888
  Number of objectives: 1
  Number of constraints: 1502
  Number of variables: 1511
  Number of nonzeros: 16430
  Sense: minimize
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solver Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- Status: ok
  Termination condition: optimal
    Branch and bound: 
      Number of bounded subproblems: 0
      Number of created subproblems: 0
  Error rc: 0
  Time: 0.18443632125854492
# ----------------------------------------------------------
#   Solution Information
# ----------------------------------------------------------
- number of solutions: 0
  number of solutions displayed: 0

The output above is the status of the solver. We have found an optimal solution. Let's see what it tells us:

In [76]:
pesos = []

print("Optimal Weights: ")
for i,p in enumerate(model.weights):
print("VaR (alpha) from our model: ")  
for p in model.alpha:
    var = model.alpha[p].value
Optimal Weights: 
AAPL : 6.15 %
AMZN : 1.0 %
C : 0.0 %
CVS : 20.28 %
F : 1.96 %
FB : 0.0 %
GOOG : 21.68 %
JPM : 2.71 %
XOM : 46.23 %

VaR (alpha) from our model: 
- 1.32 %

Our optimization results in a portfolio with no allocation in Citi and Facebook and a small participation in Amazon, Ford and JP Morgan. Let us now contrast the distribution of our portfolio using these weights vs an equally weighted portfolio.

In [94]:
pesos = np.array(pesos)
backtest = pd.Series(
equal = pd.Series(

valores = backtest.sort_values().reset_index()
valores.columns = ['indice','retorno']
print("Value at Risk 95% for optimal weights")
print("Conditional Value at Risk:")
pd.Series(,normed=1, alpha=0.75)
plt.title("Return Distribution Optimal Weights", weight="bold", size=15, color = "0.3")
plt.xlabel("Returns", weight="bold", size=12)
plt.ylabel("Frequency", weight="bold", size=12)
plt.annotate("Expected Shortfall", ('-.05',20))
plt.annotate(round(np.mean(valores.iloc[:75,1])*10000)/100, ('-.05',15))
valores = equal.sort_values().reset_index()
valores.columns = ['indice','retorno']
print("Value at Risk 95% for equally weighted")
print("Conditional Value at Risk:")

pd.Series(equal).hist(bins=150, color="red",normed=1)
plt.title("Return Distribution Equally Weighted", weight="bold", size=15, color = "0.3")
plt.xlabel("Returns", weight="bold", size=12)
plt.ylabel("Frequency", weight="bold", size=12)
plt.axvline(x=valores.iloc[75,1],linestyle="dashed",linewidth=1,color = "black")
plt.annotate("Expected Shortfall", ('-.05',20))
plt.annotate(round(np.mean(valores.iloc[:75,1])*10000)/100, ('-.05',15))
Value at Risk 95% for optimal weights
-1.3 %
Conditional Value at Risk:
-1.84 %
Value at Risk 95% for equally weighted
-1.45 %
Conditional Value at Risk:
-2.13 %

As expected, we find a portfolio which has a distribution with lighter left tail. This approach is attractive to study as VaR and CVaR are metrics which most portfolio managers use to monitor their risk exposure.

Final Remarks

We can perform a better model if we obtain more data. Also, from a risk perspective, maybe over-sampling periods of high volatility would help to study portfolio compositions with higher resilience in such periods of time. I would always recommend to clean the data properly, and keeping an "out of sample" timeframe to analyze ex-post distributions is advised.

In [ ]: